Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 Dec

getting wasted is so not funny.. ulghh

less or no alcohol

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9 Dec

Hmm my new year resolution is to say the least amount of "Sorry".

i like these images

The Artwork of Mr Phillip Toledano

From the album Bankrupt

Saturday, December 5, 2009

5 Dec - 5 Pressure Points To Relieve Body Discomforts


  • (A) Heavenly Pillar

  • Relieves stress, over exhaustion, insomnia, heaviness in the head, eyestrain, stiff necks, swollen eyes, and sore throats.

  • (B) Heavenly Rejuvenation

  • Relieves nervous tension and stiff necks; increases resistance to colds and flu. It is also good for the lungs.


  • (C) Crooked Marsh

  • Relieves nervous stomach, anxiety, arm pain, elbow pain, and chest discomfort.

  • (D) Inner Gate

  • Relieves nausea, anxiety, palpitations, and wrist pain.

  • (E) Spirit Gate

  • Relieves emotional imbalances, fear, nervousness, anxiety, and forgetfulness.

    Taken from Clipmarks

    Stop an Attack from Behind with Pressure Points

    Place your hand on the elbow of the attacker. Most attacks from behind involve the attacker wrapping an arm around the neck or body. Find the pressure point located one inch above the elbow. Press the points on both sides of the upper arm as if sandwiching the bone.

    Simultaneously place your other hand on top of the attacker's hand. Wrap your fingers around the meaty part just under the attacker's thumb. Find the pressure point above the webbing between the attacker's thumb and index finger. Press the point from both sides as if sandwiching the meaty part of the attacker's hand. The simultaneous attacks on pressure points in the hand and elbow will stun the attacker.

    Stomp the pressure point in the instep of the attacker's foot. Drive your heel straight down on the attacker's shoelaces. This will press the point in the middle of the foot and cause great pain.

    Throw your head back. By now the attacker is preoccupied with the pain in his elbow, hand and foot. He is most likely leaning forward in an instinctive reaction to protect himself. Attempt to strike the pressure point just beneath the attacker's nose. This will feel like little more than a tap to the back of your head, but will probably break the attacker's nose.

    Step to one side and thrust your elbow straight back. This will put you in line to strike the attacker in the solar plexus. This is the point just below the sternum where your diaphragm helps you breathe. An elbow pressing the point suddenly will knock the air out of any unprepared attacker.

    Duck under the attacker's arm while you push up on the arm. This should be easy after neutralizing the attacker with five pressure points in the space of a few seconds. Run away as fast as you can.

    All of these pressure point defense techniques should be done in quick succession. The idea is to use the element of surprise to stun the attacker with pressure points. Don't give him time to think about what is happening or to recover. You only have a few seconds to escape. Don't waste them admiring your work.

    Taken from Martial Arts Pressure Points

    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    1 Nov

    a flitting concept. the butterfly flies.

    the comb builds up.
    when the bees work.

    i bet even the queen bee is sick of sex.
    12/7 entertainment is only so entertaining after all.

    worker bees build their comb. protect their comb.
    as humans push inexorably for achievement.