(this cool guy is not me by the way)
the thing about martial arts is not something you pick up, learn and forget.
its for life.
and through it, through the silent honing of the techniques, one learn more about oneself.
and learn to respect myself more, through the repeated honed execution of technique.
a journey of self-esteem.
its also a journey of realization, and learning about one's responses when in a particular situation.
when a guy charges at you, do you stand and get hit.
or do you retreat.
or do you slide away and counter.
do you despair after getting hit?
or do you rebound from each hit, and learn to embrace life more.
Remember, life is precious so stand up with more strength after you fall.
Burning Flame Season 2 Synopsis Musing
taking shots may be necessary. but it should not be passive.
the supporting leg needs to be less slothy. (sounds like slutty)
and the body needs to react with equal sharpness vigour and power.
its just like life. taking shots may be necessary.
but it should not be passive. like getting tank-loaded with assignments.
two things are important. learning not to compromise oneself and be gracious and open/accommodating at the same time. craving a retreat path/backing for oneself if things blow up.
its really much like martial arts.
finding the "complementariness" and not just going on a one-way loading of information is necessary.
there's after all so much a sensei, a teacher can load into you. the effort, the desire to improve comes from the student.
自古以来 this has been the case, 自今也不会变。
be humble. learn. as in really learn. effort. and i'll be fine.
we meet teachers at every point of our life. its how we internalize the different teachings that define our character.we meet difficulties in our daily life. it is our response that says a lot about our character. it is how we choose to cope with it at that moment. or if the moment has passed, and it was unsatisfactorily handled, how we pull out the stops to overcome it, such that it doesn't become a habitual haunt.
there is nothing more stupid in this world than making the same mistake twice. (stubborn as i may be, i am not stupid.)
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