Monday, June 8, 2009

Inaction and our youths

To think or not to think
Digital Nanyang Chronicle: Vol. 15 no. 10

It is true. I personally observed and found it to be disheartening that i rarely find individuals talking "aggressively" about their passions, championing causes and doing things they lack. Things that they often cite are excuses, army lah where got time, study lah where got time, exams coming lah where got time, lazy lah where got time (oops its lazy lah whr . . .)

But conversations nowadays seem to centre more around work and studies. When we are already clocking like what, 9 hours a day? Maybe this is true, what the author Nabilah Bte Syed Sultan wrote
if you are more comfortable with the person you are conversing with, you are more likely to open up and speak about issues other than school. Conversation topics differ, however, when you are with acquaintances or with, to put it crudely, “friends for convenience”.
But even close friends seem to mumble about work or studies now.
Has life gotten boring?
Or have our youths forgotten about listening to their passions? Their dreams? Have they forgotten to take their ROADTRIP to discover the world? (courtesy of reading Roadtrip Nation)
Disillusioned, uncertain and wrapped by retarded layers of spoonfeeding for years, i fear that our youths are getting consumed by inaction. Already defence of their own passions seem to be taking on a losing battle over their conversations as the article would have proven.

Apathy. Inaction is a tempting consuming hand. But this is your own life.
This is your own run. You run it.
As Howard White, Vice Director of NIKE says, take the same passion you display when you head to the basketball courts (if you love basketball, i do so i can relate easily) as you would to life, if you love life and want to do well in it.
Its your life. Its your fight. Its your run.

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