Monday, June 8, 2009

Survival of the Fittest, not the locals

Survival of the Fittest, not the locals
From Digital Nanyang Chronicle: Vol. 15 No. 10

As Darwinian's theory has proven, it truly is the survival of the fittest.
Despite being perturbed by the overwhelming surge in foreigners (observe that a MRT cabin holds 60 % foreigners), it truly is survival of the fittest. Now what comes into question, is a realist attitude of efficiency, cost, attitudes of workers rather than race, nationality.

Note that, the government is not able to turn a blind eye to civilians' woes at unemployment of unsatisfactory employment (its bad for the polls if they do adopt the realist way of thinking), but there really is a limit to what they can do. Protect the locals and what? Lose everything Singapore has build since birth? Do not forget that Singapore is a village grounded in cosmopolitan roots from the times of our forefathers.
Much as it disheartens me to say this, it is the truth, perform or pack up. Eat or get eaten.
Survival of the fittest, not the locals
Do not blame the government for not doing their part to reserve university places or jobs for you. Examine yourself if you have work hard enough to deserve that job. Work till the job needs you more than you need it. That's the modern day job security. Its not your years of service or your nationality that counts now.

Some may say, that it is easy for me to say this because i am detached. But this is essentially the truth. The reality hurts. Hurts me too. Golden ricebowls are getting increasingly invisible nowadays. But then again, Singapore has always used the meritocratic approach.
Does making a discount this time by disregarding meritocratic roots and making a concession for locals really help? As a passionate community-conscious individual i hope so, but history has taught me otherwise.
Think again.
Sad, but true
Its Survival of the fittest, not the locals

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